
Membership Committee & Membership Directory

ASIS Cleveland Chapter – Northeast Ohio    

Membership Chair:  Marti Lambert, C.P.P.
First Energy Corporation

2006 – Many questions that members have, both new members and long term members, can be answered at the FAQ section. Certificates of Membership? Reinstatement? Who to contact about what? All of these are covered for you there, and for what isn’t you can email me here or use the email on the FAQ page that goes to several resource people who may help you.
    I encourage you, as members, to help us grow. You may bring guests to meetings, who may or may not be prospective members, but please feel free to invite others in your company or organization who may not yet be members. In addition, others that you may know who have significant security functions in an organization who may not be aware of us, that we are a significant resource. In some companies every single security professional is a member of ASIS Cleveland, ASIS International. 
     Membership applications and materials are always available at “Join ASIS” (button, top left) and I am available to assist with anything that is required to help a fellow security professional become a member. This is a good organization with many good people, and as a member for over 20 years I have benefited greatly and hope to give back – why I volunteer my time and attention. If I can help you in regard to membership, please call on me and others, and we will do our best.

                                  Marti Lambert, C.P.P., Membership Chair

Membership Directory:  Gil Clark

Post:  3-2007 – Please contact Marti Lambert, C.P.P., for any inquiries or regarding the directory – email at top of this page. Gil is on temporary leave.

Post:  2007 – The 2007 ASIS Cleveland Membership Directory will be PRINTED.

Members, please make sure that you contact information is up to date. Please go to Member UPDATE, button at left.

We are actively seeking advertising support for the directory. Please contact me about this. Thank you, Gil Clark.

Resource Links
 click to go there:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)about

Any recent change?
Update your contact information for ASIS International and ASIS Cleveland

 Paid your local dues?