ASIS – Professional security association, Cleveland, Ohio, security professionals, security directors, loss prevention specialists, risk management specialists and corporate security personnel, security companies providing security services and security equipment; security employment, education, security speakers, and more…

Welcome to the ASIS Cleveland Chapter of
“Website of the Year” Award
– Awarded January 2007 –
ASIS Cleveland’s North Coast Network
“Newsletter of the Year” Award
– Awarded January 2006 –

Welcome to the website(s) of the security professionals of ASIS Cleveland (ASIS formerly was the American Society for Industrial Security, evolving over the past 50 years to become international in scope). Of some 210 chapters we were the 23rd professional chapter organization formed, and our history dates to the late 1950s (more, see About ASIS, at left).

Spanning northeastern Ohio counties, many of the top, leading, and highest level security professionals involved in retail, commercial, industrial companies; hospitals, universities, colleges; corporations of note; local, state, and federal governments; suppliers of security services and security equipment, and others, are participating members. For contact information for the officers and leaders, by function, of ASIS Cleveland > “Contact Us”  If you’re a security professional or have a vital interest in security, you are invited to join us.

ASIS INTERNATIONAL and ASIS Cleveland are committed to providing members with information, services, and a forum that assists them in their vital security roles and with their careers. This is a community of security professionals, and an official statement important one. Since September 11th the provision of security and safety has taken on new dimensions, and become more critical than ever before. By serving members through education, events, information, networks, meetings, and contacts, their constituencies are therefore served, whether these are employees, employers, customers, patients, students, the public – whatever their constituencies might be. Security evolves and changes, and keeping out on the leading edge of providing security, safety, and peace of mind is where our members’ interests lie as security professionals. “Advancing Security in Northeast Ohio” is a mission.

Current Meeting listed at right or click here for the calendar and the > CURRENT MEETING NOTES

ASIS Cleveland, Major Sponsors:  Security Track. Find out about this:  Events, Speakers, Program

Meeting Notes: 
– See Calendar for meetings list, future, etc.
– See Meeting – Register for more INFO on the next meeting and registration – RSVP REQ.


Photo: The Executive Committee at work, with business continuity in relation to security functions a major theme for the near future.


Main Index Page Visitor Counter (cumulative, since inception)

Note the counter:  750 to 1350 visitors per month.

ASIS Cleveland:  Professional security association, Cleveland, Ohio, security professionals, security directors, loss prevention specialists, risk management specialists and corporate security personnel, security companies providing security services and security equipment, security education, security employment, and more

Security Industry News…


What’s new, Coming events, new items

View News Items on ASIS International


Business & Security Guidelines Available for Free Download

9-11 Report:  National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

FBI: Be on the Lookout (FBI)

Updated:  Worldwide Caution (State Dept.)

North Coast Network
 >> Newsletter
– 2005 –
“Newsletter of
the Year” Award
ASIS Cleveland


Next Meeting:

>>> Friday,
February 16, 2007

“Workplace Violence: A Ticking Time Bomb”
Tim Dimoff, Pres., SACS Consulting, a nationally known speaker.

…plus other
 good stuff!



Cleveland Playhouse Club at MOCA

For “Regular” meetings:
to inquire or RSVP
Website Sponsors:

Background Checks