Golf Outing

OLF EVENT Info., details, contacts, links, etc.      

Purpose:  Provide Golf EVENT information, details. contacts, and links to associated information for participation, registration, etc., and/or easy registration for members and/or others.

2007 ASIS Cleveland Golf Outing

Sheldon Braff – John Frisina Memorial Annual Golf Outing

   July DATE TBA, Springvale Golf Course, North Olmsted, 1 block south of I-480

   18 holes and greens fees, golf cart, luncheon, dinner, only $ 99.00 (to be confirmed)

   100 persons expected. Deadline for signup, 1 week prior.

   Volunteers and Sponsors are needed to help and assist in various ways.
   Please contact the Chair, Gil Ratcliff, Securitas, email > 
   or click yes on form below to volunteer.



 Links to Information

Note:  Events, not the calendar nor meetings nor education.

Meeting INFO.
Security Education

On this page or on associated pages