
Legislative Committee

ASIS Cleveland Chapter – Northeast Ohio          

Note:  page begun 2-2006; more info. to follow.

   Note:  This committee is looking for assistance, a member volunteer or volunteers, to help identify, research, and communicate information regarding legislation on any level that affects the security industry. Federal, state of Ohio, or local ordinances are applicable. Please contact the Chair.

Legislative Chair:  Larry Schuck, C.P.P.. C.S.P.
Special Agent in Charge, Norfolk & Southern Railway Police

Assisted by:  Rich Friedmann, ITT Technical Institute
 at [email protected]

Posted:  8-15-2006

Updated 8/11/06 – Legislation Currently Being Tracked

S. 1968 – Court Security Improvement Act of 2005                 

(Physical Security in Court Rooms – Referred to committee 11/7/05.  Read twice)

 H.R. 4661 – Background Check for Student Safety Act of 2006

(Requires background checks of employees working at school construction sites – Referred to House Government Reform 1/31/06)

S. 2032 – Public Transportation Terrorism Prevention Act of 2005       

(Dept. of Homeland Security awarding grants to public transportation agencies to improve security – Placed on Legislative Calendar (#299) on 11/17/05)

 S. 2145 – Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2005

(Bill to enhance security and protect against terrorist attacks at chemical Facilities

Scheduled for debate – Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar 6/26/06

H.R. 4999 is identical – 4/19/06 – referred to Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials. .

H.R. 2237 – Chemical Security Act of 2005

(Protect the public against the threat of chemical attacks – Introductory remarks on 6/15/05)

 H.R. 2351 – Rail Security Act of 2005

(Securing the railroads – Introductory remarks 5/13/05)

richard mille replica

 Ohio Sub. House Bill 374 – Concealed Carry Revision

(This law would revise the concealed carry law will allow for registered weapon owners to concealed the weapons in their vehicles) To State Senate 3/29/06

If you hear of any legislation that would be of interest to our membership, please contact Larry Schuck at ([email protected]) or;

Rich Friedmann at ([email protected]) with the information and we will attempt to keep tabs on it.

5/12/06:  Legislation Currently Being Tracked

S. 1968 – Court Security Improvement Act of 2005 (Physical Security in Court Rooms – Referred to committee 11/7/05.  Read twice)

H.R. 4661 – Background Check for Student Safety Act of 2006 (Requires background checks of employees working at school construction sites – Referred to House Government Reform 1/31/06)

S. 2032 – Public Transportation Terrorism Prevention Act of 2005 (Dept. of Homeland Security awarding grants to public transportation agencies to improve security – Placed on Legislative Calendar (#299) on 11/17/05)

S. 2145 – Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2005 (Bill to enhance security and protect against terrorist attacks at chemical Facilities – Referred to Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on 12/19/05)

 H.R. 4999 is identical – 4/19/06 – referred to Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials. .

 H.R. 2237 – Chemical Security Act of 2005 (Protect the public against the threat of chemical attacks – Introductory remarks on 6/15/05)

 H.R. 2351 – Rail Security Act of 2005 (Securing the railroads – Introductory remarks 5/13/05)

 Ohio Sub. House Bill 374 – Concealed Carry Revision (This law would revise the concealed carry law will allow for registered weapon owners to concealed the weapons in their vehicles) To State Senate 3/29/06 

If you hear of any legislation that would be of interest to our membership, please contact Larry Schuck at ([email protected]) or;

Rich Friedmann at ([email protected] ) with the information and we will attempt to keep tabs on it. END

Posted:  4-2-2006

I welcome the addition of Rich Friedman of ITT Technical Institute to the Legislative Committee.

If you hear of any legislation that would be of interest to our membership, please contact me,  Larry Schuck (email above) or Rich Friedmann at [email protected]  with the information and we will attempt to keep tabs on it.

Posted:  4-2-2006

Legislation Currently Being Tracked

S. 1968 – Court Security Improvement Act of 2005

(Physical Security in Court Rooms – Referred to committee 11/7/05)

 H.R. 4661 – Background Check for Student Safety Act of 2006

(Requires background checks of employees working at school construction sites – Referred to House Government Reform 1/31/06)

 S. 2032 – Public Transportation terrorism Prevention Act of 2005        

(Dept. of Homeland Security awarding grants to public transportation agencies to improve security – Placed on Legislative Calendar (#299) on 11/17/05)

 S. 2145 – Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2005

(Bill to enhance security and protect against terrorist attacks at chemical Facilities – Referred to Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on 12/19/05)

 H.R. 2237 – Chemical Security Act of 2005

(Protect the public against the threat of chemical attacks – Introductory remarks on 6/15/05)

 H.R. 2351 – Rail Security Act of 2005

(Securing the railroads – Introductory remarks 5/13/05)

 Ohio Sub. House Bill 374 – Concealed Carry Revision

(This law would revise the concealed carry law will allow for registered weapon owners to concealed the weapons in their vehicles)

We also hear from a member that the Ohio Burglar & Fire Alarm Association has efforts underway to get legislation in the Ohio House that would license security alarm dealers, installers, and different elements of the security alarm industry.  We have not found any Bill numbers on that as yet. In addition, there is a name change underway that would change their association name to the Ohio Electronic Life Safety & Security Association.

Posted:  2-17-2006

I just retrieved this from the Ohio Police Chiefs Law Review.  It pertains to a change in law that would grant credit unions and savings banks the authority to have police officers appointed.  The Act – House Bill 81 – follows:

Banks and Credit Union Police (H. B. No. 81)
This Act makes comprehensive changes to Ohio’s credit union laws. In addition, it contains a provision of interest to law enforcement. This provision requires those individuals appointed by the secretary of state to act as police officers to first obtain peace officer training.
More specifically, current law allows banks and savings and loan associations to apply to the Secretary of State for the appointment and commission of persons to act as police officers for and on the premises of the financial institution. The only specified qualifications for these on-premises police officers is that they be Ohio residents and of good character.

The Act would grant credit unions and savings banks the same authority to have police officers appointed. In addition, the Act specifies that to be qualified to be appointed and commissioned by the Secretary of State at any financial institution (bank, savings and loan, savings bank, credit union), a person also must complete a peace officer training program certified by OPOTC.

Effective: 4/14/06

Posted:  2-13-2006

On January 5, 2006, President Bush signed into law the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (H.R. 3402).  The “…Department of Justice Reauthorization…” part of the legislation is what should be of particular interest to the security industry.  Buried back on page 133 of the legislation is section 1105.  It is titled “Organized Retail Theft.”  A short synopsis of the act can be found in the Jan-Feb North Coast Network Newsletter under Legislative Information.

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